• General,  the Book Lifestyle

    A Bookworm’s *Ideal* Day in the Life

    Do you ever wonder what you would do in life with no responsibilities, jobs or errands? Some people might run out of things to fill their time with, but this is definitely not the case for bookworms. After all, as George R.R. Martin said, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.“ Day In The Life – Bookworm Edition 8.00 am – Wake up 8.01 – 8.05 am – Make bed, slippers on 8.06 – 8.35 am – Get ready, shower, outfit, skincare 8.36 – 9.00 am – journalling + gratitude 9.01 – 9.30 am – breakfast with books (yum!) 9.31…

  • Bookish Humour,  the Book Lifestyle

    14 Funny Book Quotes to Lighten Your Day!

    Under the weather? Just not feeling it today? Here at In a Nutshell, we’ve brought you 10 handpicked funny book quotes just for you this Tuesday. Go ahead and indulge in some extra laughter. But maybe grab a warm drink and snuggle up with a blanket first. Here we go, with 14 Funny Book Quotes… So, In Conclusion… Thanks for reading this article. Hopefully your mood is a bit brighter now! We all need some time to recharge, after all. These are from my Pinterest board – “Book Quotes ~ Relatable and Funny” in the section – “Top 15 Funny Quotes ~ For the Blog“, so check out the board…

  • Book Reviews,  General

    Get Into The Habit Of Reading Daily: A Detailed How-To

    Reading is fun and important. But if you didn’t grow up with a love of books, it can be tough to get into the habit of reading daily. So here’s a guide on how to do that. Skip straight there or learn why it’s important to get into the habit first. Contents: Why is Reading Daily So Important? You’ll Enjoy It More You’ll Get Better At It It Adds Up Part Two – The Tips Carry A Book Around Everywhere You Go… …so you can Read Whenever You Can; Be Spontaneous… … But Schedule Time… … Like Before Bed… …Or At Lunch Break Make It Fun Switch it Up Why…