Books I’ve Been Reading: Reading List Update
With all these busy times, it’s been harder to post often. So, here’s an overview of the books I’ve been reading recently (and am reading now). One thing, though: these are only the fiction ones. The self- help, and others get a whole separate post! I’ll keep you in suspense for now. But first, let’s look at this post. Keep reading for the reveal.
So, the Books I’ve been reading are:
Little Women
This one gets a whole separate post in my book spotlight series. That’s why I won’t tell you too much about it here – take a look at that post for more. Rest assured, this one’s worth reading.
Hunger Games: Mockingjay
Another one that gets its own post (well, with the rest of the Hunger Games series)! Read that post for more info on Hunger Games.
The Old Man and The Sea
Hemingway’s classic was one more I read all in one go. You know how the internal dialogue goes; it’s only 100 pages, go ahead and read it all now, you’ve been meaning to read that one lately, etc. etc.
The story was interesting though. We really felt for the Old Man, didn’t we?
Robinson Crusoe
Yes, this is the one I’m reading now. It’s one you’ve heard all about, seen movies inspired by its idea, and Friday is a household name – but now, now was the moment I read it. I’m nearing the end, but I’m not quite there. Less than a hundred pages left…
So there it is. The (fiction) books I’ve been reading lately. Keep a keen eye out for the self-help books post, featuring some tidying magic, morning routines and tips for flourishing as a teen…
Once again, make sure to have a look at my Pinterest profile for some book inspiration, memes, art, advice, and much, much more.
Before you go…
On the Featured Image
A close-up of some pebbles on a shingle beach from August 2020, think of this one as a sign to appreciate the small things and memories in life.