
Reasons Why Libraries Are Amazing

So, we’ve had home libraries. Now what about the grand public thing? Yep, that’s right, time to look into libraries here at In a Nutshell.


From left to right: Image by Francesca Grima via Unsplash, Image by Giammarco via Unsplash, Image by Paul Melki via Unsplash, and Image by Tin van Cleef via Unsplash.

1. Free books!

You get to read them without committing to buying it. If you don’t like it? No problem, you’re returning it anyway.

2. So much help with exams!

It’s a quiet place to study and a change of scenery that’s free. 

3. They’re brilliant for inspiration.

With such an aesthetic and quiet place, you’re alone with the past, and yourself.

4. Perfect for escaping reality for a bit!

Just be alone (or with frirends or family), and relax for some blissful time.

5. You can be spontaneous, and visit any time.

No appointment needed. Also, you can have an impromptu afternoon of reading about anything you want! Aztects, earthquakes or Impressionism. Now that, is amazing. 

In conclusion, don’t waste any more time. Go and look into your local library now.

Did you know? The library on the cover of this pin is the Victoria and Albert Museum Library in London, UK.

Before you Go…

On the Featured Image

This is a picture I took quite recently at dusk with the freshest air. The wildflowers framed the street lamp over the pavement near my house, giving it a mysterious look.